Last Saturday the weather finally went our way (it stopped raining) and we were able to take the boat out again! We try and take it out every weekend day that it is sunny so that we can escape the heat and humidity!
I forgot to put my facial lotion on that morning so I ended up with some lovely racoon eyes and a nice lobster glow to the face! My face has not burned in forever...I like to keep it somewhat healthy so it won't sluff of at an elderly age!
When in the bathroom trying to take photos Ben came in and started getting camera happy! He is usually hemming and hawing over the fact that I am always taking for him to get camera happy was astounding! Here are just a few of our after boat day...granted no make up and hair job in these photos so brace yourself...they are far from glam!
And that is us crazy kids....
1 month ago in the world did i miss this post? i absolutely love it!!! hilarious!!!